Where is ASR?

Systems are known to be operating in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Israel (click on each country name to view more details). ASR systems are also known to be operating in India and Namibia. ASR development programs are underway in several other countries, including the Netherlands, New Zealand, Thailand and Taiwan. Operating systems are defined as those for which construction is completed, facilities are fully permitted and in operation.

In the United States, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted small tests of well recharge systems beginning in the late 1940s, but none of these test sites were placed into operation. The first ASR well began operation at Wildwood, New Jersey, in 1969, and this system is still in operation, having been expanded to four wells. Most subsequent ASR wells have been constructed since 1983, when the Manatee County, Florida, ASR system began operation. Currently, about 56 ASR sites are in operation around the United States, ranging from a single well to 30 wells, with recovery capacities ranging from 2 Ml/d (0.5 MGD) from single wells to 400 Ml/d (100 MGD) from wellfields. In the early stages of planning and implementation is a very large ASR program for south Florida to restore the Everglades. At such time as this program is completed, it is expected to have over 300 ASR wells storing and recovering water at combined rates of up to 8,000 Ml/d (2 BGD).

If you know of other ASR systems in development or operation, or changes needed to the sites shown above, Contact David Pyne and provide the needed information so that the lists and maps can be updated.